Back to school information for Glenn Harmon Elementary School has been finalized for the upcoming school term. Please refer to the latest information.
2022-23 Registration Information
- Enrollment & Registration for new students began on May 1, 2022 (Online)
- 2022-2023 Returning student enrollment will be available by July 18, 2022.
Proof of Residence can be submitted via email to
Satisfactory proof of residence includes:
·Electric, Gas, or Water Bill – with May service dates or later
Newly Established Residency in the last 30 days includes:
- Lease Agreement
- The lease agreement may be acceptable if it is new (30 days or less).
- Is used when you do not have a utility bill and the lease states bills are paid by lessor.
- Other documentation may be requested when a utility bill is not available.
- The lease agreement must list the student occupants.
- Any of the above forms of proof of residency utilized by MISD residents must show a service address. Lease agreements must show a beginning and ending date and the address of the property with signatures from both the lessor and lessee. Families who have a contract on a home that will close within 45 days of the beginning of school, will need to confer with Student Services on applicable Board Policies and guidelines for enrollment.
2022-23 Class List Postings will be viewable in Skyward on August 12, 2022, for fully enrolled students only. If you have not provided Proof of Residence and/or completed returning student enrollment, your student will not be assigned to a class.
2022-23 Orientations/Camps
2022-23 Back to School Bash on August 6, 2022, 7:30 am- 12:00 pm.
2022-23 Meet the Teacher Night - August 15, 5 - 6:30 PM